Guide to Trakanon's Teeth

(Pulling the Hunter and Forager)

By Wolfkin



Pulling the Hunter/Forager cycles in Trak's Teeth or TT as some call it, is a very lucritive and worthwhile endeavor. The exp is good even for high 50's and the chance at rare and valuable loot is quite rewarding. With the new changes to tracking, specifically ranger tracking, it is also far easier than it had been. This "guide" will be composed of mainly a few tips on successfully grouping and pulling these cycles.

There are 2 reasons to pull these cycles. For exp/loot and for the Kunzar and Nathzar Medalions drops by the Hunter/Forager. These medals are used to get keys to Seblis. Some people come just to get the keys. Be sure to let anyone wanting to hunt these mobs for medals twhen you have some you don't need on corpses. It will save you the headache of having to compete for the cycles against people who want what you are simply throwing away. Also 50+ Kunark Spells drop from the Hunter/Forager and their rares on occasion...Check EVERY corpse.

First off these cycles are considered by MOST people who come here a "camp." Thus even tho the Forager or Hunter may be up or one of the "rares" on their cycles, they may already have someone hunting them. Once I explain how the cycles work you will better understand how a "roaming" mob can be considered camped. And why you should ask whether anyone is camping these cycles before you pull.

Both the Hunter and the Forager (both Frogloks BTW) are "Placeholders" for "rares." Whenever killed these mobs will Immediately respawn or a rare will spawn in their place. Therefor some group can "constant" pull the forager or hunter, kill it and immediately go out for the next. By this means they are clearing the Placeholders for rares. Thus they are putting in the work to make those spawns pop. You coming in and tyaking the spawn they made is rude. You don't want to hunt a cycle for 3 hours to finally get the rare you wanted only to have someone else pull it so return that favor and respect another's camp. The HUnter/Forager and their "rares" are in the mid to upper 40's in level. They hit anywhere from 109 to 132 for max damage. The Hunter and Forager themselves are Melee, they do not cast. However some of the rares that will spawen are Casters. Clerics, Necros, Wizards, Shamans and Druids are all represented here. Also hybrids. More commonly Shadow Knights. I will list the rares and which cycle the most commonly spawn on. However please note that any rare can spawn on either cycle. Just because the Crusader normally spawns on the Forager cycle that doesn't mean he won't spawn on the Hunter cycle. He does. Trust me. I have seen rares from both cycles switch.

Now. Often people "camp" the Swamp Zone for the Forager cycle and the Emerald Jungle (EJ) for the Hunter cycle. If you check out my map you'll see why this is. Since the common areas for those mobs are nearer to the respective zones. But it's not impossible to pull each to the opposite zone or to another area entirely. In fact many groups choice to hunt in a wanderer free area a few hundred feet to the right of the Swamp zone in order to pull the Forager. It's safe from trains and you're less likely to cross paths with parties that are hunting something else. The hunter and forager WILL AGGRO on anyone close. The puller has to be carely not to pull close to anyone they don't want attacked. People can get very upset at being trained...;p

Now for pulling in this zone there are a few tricks I've discovered that makes successfully pulling One mob back to the group easier.

A standard group can easily succeed here. All 45+. Healer, Tank, Caster, and ranger. Fill the 6th spot with anyone. If the healer isn't a cleric. 2 druids or a shaman and druid will do quite nicely here. Pet classes are great here as well.

Instead of me reposting all of this. Here's a complete list of every mob in Trak's Teeth.

Have a good hunt and let me know whether I should make any changes to this guide or if you would like to add a few tips of your own.